Wednesday, September 29, 2010

firefox,file:/// the profiles folder(find out by using error console) create user.js
2.add required entries in it (file link not opening -kw)
3.clear the cache and all a new instance
5.check prefs.js if the entries are copied from user.js

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

trac setup

1.install all the required modules ...python,perl,apache2
2.create trac environment using trac-admin into a local folder
3.note if trac is setup for single project or multiple projects(TracEnv,TracEnvParentDir)
4.add entries to /etc/apache2/apache2.conf ......
5.add auth entries also to it
6.test it using tracd
7.test on localhost http

Monday, September 27, 2010

development tools

svn --- git (repos)

http --- trac (frontend)
trac-svn --- trac-git (plugin)

svn,git-svn ---- git (client)

svk (scm,distributed development tool)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

oxygen and fruity loop

0.check in ebay
1.get oxygen 49 with usb connectivity at 189
2.get fruity loop at 200
3.hookup to receiver
4.hookup to pc with xp
6.onkyo receivers
india-us electronics
7.on ebay - oxygen49 - 109.99$ - 26sep
8.on ebay - onkyo - nr708 - $614.99 - 26sep
9.tested tv - Samsung 67" DLP 1080p
10.issue with av receiver and cable tv, cable tv implements HDCP ..many av receivers do not
implement them
11.cable settop box some versions have DVI out some have HDMI out
12.DTB and HDDTB are differeent STB types
13.expect this in india soon .. DTB,15078096
14.feet meter conversion
15.speaker cables
zone 1 - 2 speakers the apartment maximum cable length required is
120*15 cms = 18meters = 59feet
17.speakers 5.1
SKS HT330 - onkyo
18.onkyo review - what the heck is outboard signal amplifier
19.receiver setup

Thursday, September 2, 2010

git svn trac

1.most repos are svn client/server
2.git is repo type ,it adds more features
3.git-svn is a git wrapper over svn client,the server is still svn server
4.trac is a utility that builds features over the svn source base
5.trac git-plugin build features over the trac server


using git client

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

barrier ... cont

1.we have statements


here the programmer is of the assumption that by the time control reaches marker
the 2 statements are finished completely and stmt3 would be a new sequence of commands
we can safely put since our assumptions are right here
But we are seeing the code from a code space angle
the code internally is generated by compiler , that is not bound by any strict criteria
for optimization it can reorganize codes in different ways
ie some of the side effects of stmt1 and 2 would be executed after stmt3
this can create serious problem when critical mystmts are executed with assumptions

memory barriers cont

1.linux kernel
2.memory barrier good article