Tuesday, August 30, 2011

3 phase current and home connections

1.3 phase into apartment has 3 hot wires and optional 4th neutral
2.apartment though getting 3 phase,house will use only one phase at a time OR one room one phase etc
3.3 phase equipment has seperate wall outlet than 2 phase
4.leakage current?? earthing pin
5.hot wires end up in main panel,it goes to subpanel of apartment block then it goes to
panel of (generator) comes back to subpanel of apartment block and comes into subpanel of
6.circuit breakers are there bw main supply and main panel,main panel to subpanel1 ,subpanel 2 to
subpanel 1,subpanel 1 to flat panel
7.from flat panel parallel wire pair ,from hot and neutral run to rooms
8.max an apartment can consume 150 A, 2220v 3phase
9.max building can consume is

--->main-->block subpanel-->phase changeover-->meter-->generator subpanel--->source changeover-->
block subpanel-->flat subpanel-->room outlets
12.60 apartment flat may have 5000 amp,each flat using 200amp, 1/10 amp can be fatal to human