Friday, December 3, 2010

collective progress

1.every medium of entertainment is a mix of talent and business
2.what is talent, its a blend of technique accrued over a time by minisicule advances and desire to push oneself
3.what is popularity, a mixture of timing(luck), right associations(politics), talent (as above) and again desire to push oneself
4.popularity is also a result of layman's inability to understand the reason behind it, the ingredients of success
5.Once someone understands it , the perception changes.Rather than considering the popularity as just blind admiration , it becomes a respect for someone who figured out or got the right mixture. can talents be cultivated yes because if something can happen once it can happen twice also
7.for this to happen knowledge of the process should sink deep into the community, rather than viewing everything in awe, people should look at themselves and the process and prepare a timebased plan.
8.what is failure, it is the reason of not understanding the process completely.hence when that understanding is made things will be on track
9.if still progress cannot be made, the environment is also a factor.
10.a high talent in a particular field at the time of recession will do no good
11.the best way to progress is to follow a path of collective progress
12.discussing,helping without hidden agenda but with open agenda can create positive vibes
13.Knowledge that everything that has evolved big has a smaller version to it
14.try to figure out how to setup this smaller version and then make a steady incremental progress
15.focuss doesnt mean 24x7 working on the thing,but the will to work on it consistantly
16.its 100% true that in sw, if 1 person can do a job in 10 days, 10 equally knowledgeble guys can make it happen in one day,proper planning and assesment needed
17.practically, people who takes risks can only realise their dreams(risk mostly means money)
18.people who can motivate can only realise their dreams(motivation means money)
19.people who can clearly show their vision to others can realise their dreams
20.if this process can rise standard of living for a community(every type of member) it will be acceptable
21.faltering can happen if living situations doesnt improve over a period of time and comparisons come into picture
if two persons put varying amount of money in getting the same goal high probability in getting by high spender to goal first, may not be sustainable

windows security

1.Any process(hence thread) running in windows is under a "logon session","user account" or
"group account"
2.lets talk about a client application and a server service in windows
the above applies to client
3.for server service, when this service application is written, the programmer can specify
security details of all obects it creates and accesses.for he can associate a security info with a directory he creates and another he acceses.before accessing a directory he can also impersonate before the access
4.the service application will have a data structure called DACL,SACL in which he stores the information of all objects
5.client also have access to SID that represent accounts
6.while doing remote access, first a logon session is established, this inturn will give client attributes to each access done by that session.