Friday, May 27, 2011

getting xrdp work

1.install xrdp from source .. also X11rdp needs to be installed and linked with the other
2.only works with mstsc client

multimedia stack in linux

1.install gfx driver in the system , for eg nvidia
2.configure v4l2 it has driver and user components
3.configure alsa it has driver and user
4.configure gstreamer on top of v4l2
5.configure pulse audio, it has driver and user??
6.where does x server come into picture??? the gfx stack binds to x server, x has user component
7.x would talk with v4l2,gfx driver,hw
8.for remote x , ie xrdp, x talk with a remote display nwtworking module that would talk over nw

getting hdmi working

1.get the nvidia driver installed ie download source of appropriate nvidia driver,kernel headers etc compile it and install it
2.after installation of alsa suite and pulse audio suite , check the alsamixer and pulse mixer and check if all are unmute
3.while updating keep all your configuration files as it is
4.use speakertest and aplay mplay for ur testing