Wednesday, April 6, 2011

vlc and tv tuners

1.keep ready xawtv,mplayer,aplay,arecord
2.identify your video capture device like /dev/video0
3.identify your audio capture device like plughw:1,0 device will be exported by v4l2 device will be exported by alsa
6.vlc needs to set width and height for proper video ... w/h should be multiple of 16
like 384x320
5.vlc needs ffmpeg for common video and audio codecs are easily codecs needs to be downloaded later especially for aac.needs to do
that from 3rd party repository.follow ffmpeg link vlc->tools menu there are options to see if video/audio codecs and stats
7.xawtv can fetch channels from a list, and set it as the current for v4l2.scantv
can search for frequecies with signals
8.vlc step 1 is to set the capture device and its parameters can be tested by doing a local play
10.once local play is successful, select stream ..choose mode of streaming, type of
transcoding is selected
11.For frequency selection install ivtv-utils
12.v4l2-ctl -F
13.v4l2-ctl -f
11.vlc captures raw stream from hw,vlc transcodes it on the fly before sending over