Sunday, April 8, 2012

what can fly AI artif intelli

1.structured fact storage machine
2.structured fact interpolation machine
3.lead tracing algorithm

All such that the by products of iterations will be stored and remembered
and used as raw data for future interpolations

Will give intelligent suggestions in dynamic scenarios

Can iterate by itself in free time to generate new facts(keeping record of how to reach there)

User inputs basic parameters and the system generates leads and suggestions and answers

rules,facts and data storage will form a grid and can be expanded infinitely

protocols for the above will allow wisdom to be stored distributed in grids

Mega discrete intelligence network

Integration of sensors with the network can create self working entities

What is a concrete example?
How it will look like in real world?
I have a web interface through which i can feed rules , data and desired results
the system interpolates and comes up with paths to the same or stops without
result, i feed more rules and data , system runs again giving its best shot

set of rules and data if designed as protocol can be hooked up together
so that networked usage will become possible

intelligence will become packetized because , with the ability to send such libraries
to a context that is remote and conforming to protocol resolutions can be found

linking location,context sensors,banking parameters,personal schedulers,communication
devices,mobility system intelligent suggestions can be put forth by the system

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